Dec 22, 2022 - 09:53 PM
One key difference between these two rubbers is the type of sponge they use. Butterfly Rozena has a medium-hard sponge, while Butterfly Sriver has a medium-soft sponge. This means that Rozena may offer a bit more speed and power, while Sriver may provide a bit more control and spin.
Another difference is the thickness of the sponge. A thicker sponge (such as 2.1mm) may provide more power and speed, while a thinner sponge (such as 1.9mm) may offer more control and spin.
Ultimately, which rubber is best for you will depend on your playing style and preferences. If you are a player who values power and speed, you may prefer the Butterfly Rozena with its medium-hard sponge and thicker sponge. On the other hand, if you are more focused on control and spin, you may prefer the Butterfly Sriver with its medium-soft sponge and thinner sponge.
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